We decided to make the birthday party a Yo Gabba Gabba! theme because Olivia LOVES the show. She lights up when DJ Lance Rock walks out in the opening scene, and lately, when she dances, she dances just like they do on the show. Single? No kids? Haven't a clue? Honestly, check it out. Frank and I find the show hilarious, and the little known bands they showcase are pretty awesome, too. I could go on and on, but if you're ever bored, catch it on ONDemand or NickJr.
Does your child love Yo Gabba Gabba! as much as ours? Thinking of planning a shindig, too? Well, it was far easier than you'd think, especially with the help of the Gabba Friends website. I'm going to post specifics about the cakes I made in a later post, but this website inspired everything.
The balloons:

The cakes:

At first, Olivia didn't know what to make of the cake. She stared at it and wouldn't touch the thing. When we tried to put it in her hand, she shook it off! She did NOT want to get dirty. But once we put a bite in her mouth... look out, world! Olivia LOVES cake! Although, you still wouldn't know it from the pictures...

Showing off a present:

And tuckered out from a long day of partying:

At 1 year old, Olivia [could]:
weighs 20.7 lbs.
is 30 1/4 ins. long
says cat, dog, hi, bye, mom, dad and uh oh (sometimes Pop Pop & baby)
crawls all over
stands up by pulling on something
cruises (walks holding onto furniture or hands)
stands on her on for about 3 - 5 seconds
throws balls, even to others (or Monty the cat)
points to things and says "Dat!" or "Dat?" (want and what?)
claps on her own and when told to
dances to music
does easy shape sorter pieces
gives hi-5s
LOVES Monty the cat and will play with him and try to pet him
wears size 3 diapers
wears clothing sizes from 6 mos (onesies or tops) all the way up to 18 mos (pants)
eats 7 jars of baby food every day!
feeds herself puffs and teething cookies
puts her arms up for SO BIG!
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