We have much to celebrate in our household! As of about 10am this morning, Dr. B. deemed that Olivia does NOT NEED THE BUCKET BRACE! She is livin life sans any braces, harnesses, or casts. We are incredibly excited and a little nervous for our peanut's hips, but it's been an amazing and joyous day. We've done nothing but eat cake (look for an upcoming blog on cake soon) and other deliciously, unhealthy foods. Well, not nothing totally -- Olivia also had her motor eval with the county's early intervention program. She's qualified for physical therapy (PT) services, so we are on our way to motoring all over the place.
We'd also like to just say thank you to everyone out there for your continued support and prayers. God gave us an unexpected yet delightful surprise today. Here's what Livie had to say on the matter (you'll understand the picture even more when I post a video of this... probably this weekend sometime so check back!):
Oooooo - Congratulations!! *happy dance*