1. She's too big for the cradle, as evidenced below:

2. Frank had been waking her up in the morning while he was getting ready for work. Well, to be fair, he would get ready in what would be her bedroom. Unfortunately, he hit the snooze button about 3 times before actually getting out of bed... not many people, beside Frank, sleep through that many alarms.
3. Our room gets incredibly hot; the air conditioning works in every room but ours. We are pretty sure the vent is blocked, but we've been too busy (or lazy?) to fix it. As adults, we manage by keeping the bedroom door open so air from the other rooms almost makes it into ours, and we run an oscillating fan. This is not safe for an infant. Research has shown that the risk of SIDS is greatly reduced with a lower air temperature and a fan.
4. While numbers 1 through 3 should have been good enough, they were not to an already overprotective daddy. However, on Friday, July 17th, I put my foot down when I discovered Monty, our youngest cat, playing with the tiny little fist you saw hanging out of the cradle in the above picture. The sight of him batting around her hand sent me into mama bear mode, and I demanded that Frank do what he had to do to get our daughter into her crib that night.
"Doing what he had to do" involved him picking up particle board so that he could install our SECOND monitor in the crib. This monitor, the Angelcare by BebeSounds, is a sound and sensor monitor. If the sensor does not pick up motion for 20 seconds, an alarm sounds. The sensor portion needs to go under the mattress but on a solid surface, and since Olivia's crib has springs under the mattress, we needed the wood to effectively use the monitor.
Olivia was perfect in her bed. We gave her good night kisses, and she slept like a champ!

woo-hoo sleep! well-rested = happy mommy!