Olivia's baptism was yesterday, June 21, 2009 -- Father's Day. Our church --
Our Mother of Good Counsel -- does many of the sacraments during Sunday masses. I love this about our parish. I feel like it truly welcomes those making the sacrament into the community. We are a community of faith, and it seems only right that our community is involved in such monumental occasions. And I forget how many of the parishoners know me ... well, knew me as
the pregnant choir woman. Anyway, the baptisms are done this way, and we opted for the 9:30am mass. Father Dennis presided, and The Holy Fathers choir sang. The gathering song during baptism weekend is always
The Litany of the Saints, which is a favorite of mine and usually makes me tear up (Sunday was no different, despite the entire congregation staring at our family). Olivia looked adorable in her christening gown (thanks, Aunt Gi!) and sweater that my grandmother knitted way back when my cousins and I were baptized (thanks, Aunt Jo Marie, for sending it).

She was such a peach and slept through the whole mass. Even when Father Dennis poured water over her head, she only woke up a bit as if to say, "What are you doing that for?!" Then it was right back to sleep. Frank held her the whole time on account of the spica cast. Thank goodness the gown was nice and long with a little layer of crinoline; no one saw her bright red cast at all! Frank's sister, Gina, is Olivia's godmother, and my brother, Matt, is her godfather. They both did great during the mass, although, Father Dennis had to remind my brother that chewing gum is not really appropriate for God's house. I know that both of them will be incredibly wonderful godparents as Olivia ages. We may encourage her just a little bit more to contact Aunt Gi for questions about God and Catholicism but I don't think Uncle Matt will be too upset.
Aunt Gi and Uncle Matt with Olivia. Isn't she precious!

Olivia, Frank, and I after her baptism -- still asleep, God bless her!
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