One woman's journey into life as a we... and all that comes with it.
Wii Fit Cartoon: Feeling lazy these days? It's been 4 days since your last body test, Baby Mama. For best results, you should check in everyday.I digress. Back to being positive. Due to all the eating out that occurred over the vacation (ironically, week 6 is Dining Out), I took some advice from "Eat This, Not That" and ordered as much as I could grilled or sauce on the side. When the hummus I had added to my salad turned out to be a baseball size serving of hummus, I actually scooped 80% of it off. Difficult because I love hummus but certainly not the correct portion. I didn't order dessert once (the aforementioned cookies were a snack), and I mostly drank water. The other thing that I'm adding to my repetition of Week 5 is exercising more. The Livster and I are walking with Rebekah and Avery in the style of 70 year old power walking retirees at the mall. We get about 3 miles in on a good day. And finally (this one is my favorite), I've determined that the only way my waist is going to shrink back to the adorable size 6 that it once was is to do ab exercises. Since I don't have time to pull out the yoga mat and crunch it up, I'm adding "core moves" to my teeth brushing regiment. What is that, you may ask? Well, this means that while I brush away, I am doing some sort of movement that will tone up either my abs or my backside. Believe it. It's pretty hot. Me, in my glasses and often pjs, shaking what the good Lord gave me. It's like the mommy version of Carmen Electra's workout DVDs. It's part of my Make-Every-Moment-Count mentality (aka: my attempt to lose as much weight before the first day of work and I'm running out of time mentality). The way I see it is even though this accounts for only 2 minutes per day or so, it's more than I was doing before. As time goes on, hopefully I can get more creative (read, as Liv becomes less bulky and cast-free or we finally buck up and get me the gym membership) with how I do this but for now, it is what it is.
Me: I was away, a**h@!#. What did you do? Oh, that's right, nothing because you sat on my living room floor. And start telling me how awesome I'm doing; I've lost almost 10 pounds in just over 2 months. Lazy?! Plastic POS. I hope they recycle you someday and turn you into a fast food countertop.Publish Post
"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a
thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not
just to play with, but Really loves you, then you become Real.""It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You
become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who
break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally,
by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes
drop out and you get all loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things
don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to
people who don't understand." ~The Velveteen Rabbit
The Bottom Line of Bathroom BriberyThough countless parents have lured their kids to the potty
with the promise of a few small candy-coated chocolates, the experts I talked to
hated the idea. "It may work in the short run, but using food to reward your
child for a natural physical event is a slippery slope," says Dr. Peter
Stavinoha. "Ask yourself: Would you give your child candy for walking or
bathing?" he says. Parents may swear by it. "But giving prizes means taking away
the opportunity for kids to feel proud about what they've achieved,"says Deb
Lonzer, M.D., a pediatrician in Cleveland.
To the Editor,As a parent and professional working in the field of Applied
Behavior Analysis, I wanted to express my displeasure over your August 2009
article, "It's Pottytime!," by Suzanne Schlosberg. She called the use of
"candy-coated chocolates" bribery; in fact, this is reinforcement, more
specifically positive reinforcement. By definition reinforcement increases the future likelihood that a behavior will occur; it
is vital in teaching new behaviors (toileting included). In the article, the
expert suggested that praise and high-fives may be all a parent needs for a
people-pleasing child; this is also reinforcement. Additionally, on page 140 of
the same issue, in "The Give-It-Up Guide," the magazine suggests, "Do use
rewards... they [kids] do want to ... get prizes!" The type (candy, praise,
tickles, etc.) of reinforcement used depends on the learner. Just as with
adults, children enjoy different things. In order to effectively teach any
behavior, we need to identify what those items are and use them. This concept is
based on science and research and has been discussed in such forums for over 50
years. Additionally, Ms. Schlosberg mentioned that it takes 4 - 6 months to
toilet train a child. I invite her to read "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day"
by Drs. Azrin and Foxx. Again, the techniques identified in the book are based
on science and research. As distributors of a magazine read by many parents,
methods based on research should be a priority when recommending something as difficult as a toilet training program(s). I noted that Dr. Stavinoha, the
expert interviewed in the article, did not reference any research when
suggesting "Naked Time" and would be interested in viewing the data showing its
efficacy.Thank you for your time,Alicia Richards, M.S., Ed., BCBA
I took this quick video while Olivia was playing on her playmat. The first 10 seconds are pretty rocky as I try to adjust how I'm sitting to get a better view. This was when the playmat was on the floor -- before Frank put it in the bassinet level of the pack 'n' play. Of our two cats, Monty has always seen Olivia as more of a toy but this one occassion was actually quite cute.